25 Email Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Proven tips for creating a winning email marketing strategy for small businesses.

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  1. Suzanne Barker says

    Really really useful points here; very informative – thank you from a small business UK based.

  2. MattPrince says

    After read this fantastic email marketing tips, i must say that email marketing can be really useful to do effective marketing for small business and achieve success in it.

    • Alex says

      That’s very true Matt, email marketing is still (and it will always be) a very effective way to find new customers and most importantly make more sales.

  3. Abhijit Gupta says

    Email marketing is one of the most popular things these days. This is a really helpful article and helpful for all and it gives a lot of benefits it’s so easy and may give a lot of credits. Thanks so much!

  4. Bran says

    Very useful tips. I’ve been looking for ways to successfully grow my email list. What I find very important is segmentation, mobile-ready communication, and analytics in email marketing. I guess that another important thing is the choice of the email marketing service provider. A good fit for me was GetResponse, but it’s good to test the choices that are available on the market to pick the right tool for certain business.

  5. Anupam says

    Hi Alex, this is a great collection of practical tips. And you have rightly pointed out the importance of having an email list. The longer an email list, the more reach a marketer will have. And I followed three tactics to grow my email list:
    ● Make it easy to follow
    ● Make it difficult to unfollow
    ● Promise and deliver value to the receivers
    Thanks for writing such an informative post.

  6. T I Antor says

    Hey, Alex,
    Another mindblowing and excellent post. Yes, its better to have a content strategy for a newsletter and give emphasize on mobile email optimization. Nowadays, most of the people are not sitting before PC, rather they use mobile phones for checking mail. So, it’s really a great idea. Also, maintain publishing calendar is a good idea. Thanks for sharing these very much informative post.

  7. Anjali says

    Brilliant article. The information I have been searching precisely. It helped me a lot, thanks. Keep coming with more such informative article. Would love to follow them.

  8. John Lamason says

    Great in depth article thanks for sharing these awesome tips would definitely give them a try.

  9. Sapan Gupta says

    Great tips in this article. It is so very important to curate an email list that will actually prove to be helpful for a business. Businesses should make registration simpler and offer incentives so that the users/readers have a reason to register. You need to be able to intrigue the users to get them on your mailing list. Avoid using lists that have been purchased – you will only end up with fewer open rates. Great read – thanks for these tips, will definitely be using them!

  10. Rohan Saxena says

    Thank you for sharing this useful tips about email marketing for small businesses. I am pretty sure that it will be helpful to those who have just started their business and are not aware of email marketing.

  11. Hussain says

    Thanks for creating such a great list for email marketing. Although, I need to ask something. My friend recently told me that the text emails work better than graphics one. Is it really true?

    • Alex Chris says


      In general, yes it’s true. A lot of people read emails on mobile and text messages tend to perform better. You can still use graphics in your email but my recommendation is to keep it to the minimum.


  12. Cezar Mitrenca says

    A small business is the most important and difficult to sustain but with a lot of practice it can gain trust and reach to a big business. These steps can give you insight but you need to experiment and implement them!

  13. Rajon Islam says

    wow! so many tips in a single article. I am so much benefited reading your article. thanks for sharing.

  14. Neelam Chhagani says

    It has been 2 months that I have been following your articles. Very useful and helpful to a person like me …who is new and there is so much to learn. Really detailed articles. There was an article on site structure…few days back…that was my favourite as I was looking for something like that. Thanks

  15. jerry john says

    Hello, I hope you are good. Agree with this informative article. Continue like this. But I want to suggest to digital marketers, to keep on growing and to get better results, you need to test the current emails, their content, their thread, their design, the number of visits and their results. After testing and analyzing the current success of email marketing, you can design a better plan for the future.

  16. Sarah says

    I never thought like this about Email Marketing.

    Thanks for your this amazing guide.

    I am impressed.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Sarah

      I’m glad my article helped you get a better understanding of email marketing.

      All the best

  17. Agbosua Esther says

    Email marketing is one of the best marketing methods available for small businesses. Thanks for sharing this post

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Agbosua

      Yes, that’s 100% truth. Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods, especially for small businesses. When done right, it can play a big role in conversions and that’s what all businesses need.

      All the best

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