As of August 2014, is a proud Google Partner. You can verify our profile by clicking this link.
What Is a Google Partner?
Google partners are companies that meet the criteria of the Google Partner program. The requirements for agencies include using Google’s best standards and practices, having certified employees to use Google products, and managing client accounts with a minimum budget spend of 10K (for 90 days).
As stated by Google in their Partners website, “Google Partners are online marketing companies trusted by Google”.
What Does This Mean To You?
For our existing clients, we will continue working with you to meet your business goals and help you establish a profitable business online.
For new clients, this means that you are in good hands. We have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to get your business where you want it to be, and we will grow together.
You can view our services and courses and contact us today to discuss your requirements and create a digital marketing plan tailored to your business needs.