How to SEO Ecommerce Category Pages (Step By Step)

SEO optimized category pages can help you achieve better rankings in search. Learn step by step what category page SEO is all about.

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  1. Pellet says

    H1 tag really hepful for SEO. In addition, optimize my category titles is really usful, too. Thank you, Alex.

  2. Mark says

    Thanks Alex, this series is on par with business bloomer and their hook templates as a go to in my bookmarks!
    The only thing I would say is that I have always been told, and even in the adwords check, you cannot have FREE in all capitals, do you know if this applies to the meta title (I know it was an example, but still asking)


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mark

      You can have capital letters (or whole words) in the title. But if Google believes that this is not good user experience, they may decide to show a different title for your page. To be on the safe side, avoid using all capitals.

      Hope this helps

  3. Mariana says

    Hi, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Really good articles!
    I have a question: I have several products in multiples categories. Is this bad for SEO?


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mariana

      It’s normal for online shops to have the same products in more than one categories so that’s not necessarily bad for SEO. As explained in the article, try to add other elements (text, images) to each of your category pages to make them ‘unique’ and valuable to both users and search engines.

      Hope this helps

  4. Casper says

    Great article! I have one questipn though. Is it a good practice to have links between category pages or would it perhaps be confusing to Google?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Casper

      Yes, there is no issue when you link your category pages together. If this is better for your users, then there is nothing wrong with it.

      Hope this helps

  5. Adel says

    Thanks Alex for sharing your know how with very clear examples.

    Do you have any thoughts on how to define categorie/sub-categories? I have an e-commerce website with 5000 products, in the watersports accessories field. The problem I have is the segmentation is n dimentional:
    – pwc vs boating
    – men vs women
    – suits vs vests vs parts
    – brands

  6. Lauren says

    Hey Alex, I love your content and have taken your course. It’s great stuff, keep up the good work! One comment I have on this article is that in the paragraph above the Conclusion section, you are suggesting canonicalizing paginated pages to the main/first page in the sequence. This goes against Google’s documentation on pagination in that all paginated pages should have a self-referencing canonical. I’d love to know your thoughts on this and thanks again!

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