How to Migrate Your Website To HTTPS Without Losing SEO

Learn how to move your website from HTTP to HTTPS without damaging your SEO.

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  1. Emmerey Rose says

    Very informative and helpful. Thanks Alex for sharing. I was wondering, do you also have a guide with migrating from to

    • Alex says

      Hi Emmerey

      The process is similar but not the same. Currently, I don’t have a guide for migrating from to but it’s a great idea for a new blog post.


      • Emmerey Rose says

        Thanks for the reply Alex. Would definitely check it out if you decide to write about it 🙂

  2. Narinder kumar says

    Thanks, Alex it’s really awesome post you sharing us I have nothing any idea about https and HTTP but after reading your post I know that what is the difference in both.

  3. Sariel Mazuz says

    Hey Alex,
    Loved the post! I Defintely learned a few things.

    Fortunately, I didn’t migrate my website yet. So now I can follow your instructions and know that I’m safe 🙂

    Thanks very much,

    PS: Heading off to tweet it right now.

  4. Rahul Agarwal says

    Hey Alex!

    I was wondering which genesis child theme do you use.

    I really love the design.

    I mean I know it’s heavily customized. But it could actually give me a good head start.

    • Alex says

      Hi Rahul

      I’m using a custom genesis theme. We created our theme from scratch based on the genesis framework.


  5. Fred Harrington says

    Just so you know you don’t actually have to pay for SSL certificates anymore – you can get them for free from Let’s Encrypt.

  6. Ajinkya says

    Hello ! ,
    Thanks for your information. But after migrate is there any effect on Adsense revenue? need to update with google Adsense code and google analytics code ?

      • Andrei Mihai says

        Hello! I have a question! If I will make my website secure with https, i will lose my rank? All my backlinks will work the same ?

  7. Michael John says

    Thanks a lot it helps me a lot to migrate my blog from http to https. please tell me about the backlinks which i created as http are these backlinks still useful for me?

    • Alex Chris says


      Yes they are. The “301 Redirects” also tell search engines to update their links so eventually they will be credited to the https pages.


  8. Achievergirl says

    With all the confusion in changing from http to https, your article is by far the most informative in making the process much easier. I’m going to follow these steps to change mine. My web host is including the ssl certificate and for renewal too, so that is one cost not to worry about. Might be a good idea for those looking for or want to change their hosting, to have it included. Thank you very much!

  9. Shahbaz Anshari says

    Thanks for such a descriptive article. But after migrating to HTTPS website ranking goes down many times, then how to handle this situation.

  10. Bobby says

    Thank you so much Alex for writing this informative blog post about how to migrate a website to https version without loosing SEO or anything from search ranking. Since i have not yet implemented it on my websites but sooner or later i will need to switch from http to https to avoid issues from google as they have already mentioned this is one of the major signal for ranking and i might be loosing behind just because of not switching to https. But, before that there are various things that need to be considered in order to avoid and loss due to proper homework. Your post will really help me a lot while migrating from http to https version. Keep up the great work!

  11. Sarah says

    Thanks for the insightful information, I was in dire need of this information as switching to https leaves behind a lot of loopholes which can later destroy the whole website.

  12. PL Martin says

    Alex this is a great post, thank you, a quick question for you. In a published book we use a url which points to an http url on our own site. If we switch to the https version of this url will the url still point through to the same page? If not can we set up a protocol which ensures it does?

  13. Luis Narvaez says

    Thanks a lot for this information, especially the search and replace plugin step and configuration ans sharing the link for the Whynopadlock site. Saved me probably days of tinkering with my site figuring out why I was getting the “I” symbol instead of the padlock symbol. Apart from the the links within the content it turned out that my logo was being pulled from the http version of the site instead of the https version.

  14. Shahzad says

    earlier I was not sure that https will be one of factor in SEO I am going to install by using your instruction and after few days I will share the result
    Thank you Alex

  15. Rafael says

    I really wanna change to https from http but I’m afraid I will lose all my SEO rankings, someone told me he have done it before and did the right process but he somehow still lose his SEO. Can someone help me if this is true.

  16. Giri says

    Hello Alex,

    Thank You for your article and instruction which was really helpful. Especially General section, Search Console, site xml details. Much appreciated.

    Once I have done the https changes in General, Yoast plugin found the change and instructed (notification) me to optimize it.

    Once optimized, all the internal links has changed automatically from http to https. It was really easy and helpful which means I don’t need to touch anything in the DB.

    Hope this future might be useful for those who are going to migrate.

    Thank You

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