How To Ask Google To Recrawl Your Site

Learn how to get Google to crawl your site when making important changes to your content. Full guide with examples.

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  1. Rajitha says

    Hello Chris,
    You have given 2 Important points. they are: Asking Crawling of individual URLs: 10 URLs per day.
    Asking site recrawls 2 site requests per day.

    Is it your opinion or Google terms. And what happens if we give request to Google re-crawl the individual Url more than 3 in a single day.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rajitha
      It is based on past Google guidelines. They have recently removed the numbers from their help page but limits are still valid.

      Hope this helps

  2. Tom says

    I see you said:”Do not use the above methods every time you publish a new post “. Can you tell me the reasons why you told that?
    Because some page will copy and index it first. That is risky for my post? Thank you!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Tom

      For two reasons: First is that there is a limit in the number of times you can request a re-crawl and second is that if you have a sitemap already submitted, Google will find the new pages pretty fast from the sitemap.

      Don’t worry about someone copying your posts, Google is good at understanding where a page was first published.

      I hope this helps

  3. Veronica A. Dubois says

    Hi, i changed my whole website, so almost every url i get on google search results are obsolete and lead to 404 page. I send the new sitemap to google search console. How much it will take to recrawl? Is there another way to tell google that old urls are old?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Veronica

      If you have submitted an updated sitemap, Google will recrawl your website. If you have changed your URLs, you will also need to add 301 Redirections to avoid the 404 errors.


  4. Mark says


    Thank you very much for this informative post. I have a question. I have a food blog on wordpress. I’ve got 2 scenarios: 1. Old post is not ranking. I update almost all of the content of that post. Do I ask Google to recrawl manually? 2. Old post is ranking well. I want to update to add more content. Should I ask Google to recrawl? Will I lose ranking if I updated the content for the better?

    Thanks again!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mark

      Thanks for your comment.

      Yes, for both scenarios. Especially for the first case, it will speed up the time needed for Google to process the changes.


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