How to Setup Facebook Conversion Tracking in WordPress

A step by step guide on how to add Facebook pixel event tracking in WordPress. It covers both standard events and custom conversions.

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  1. Melvin Foster says

    Great post this facebook integration is very new to me and today i have learned new skill. Thanks alex

  2. Richard Docc says

    Nice information, glad to see your post and got new info about fb integration with word press. Thanks for sharing such useful post.

  3. Mark Persaud says

    Hi there. Thanks for the post.

    Can you clarify something for me please?

    In the Facebook guidance, it says “you want to place the standard event before the closing tag within the base code”.

    That’s within the base code before it’s closing tag, rather than after the base pixel within it’s own script tags as described in the post.

    So, which is correct? Does the standard event code work correctly eitehr way? Any clarification on this would be apprecaited. Driving me mad!


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mark

      Either way should work. Check your implementation using the FB Pixel Helper to make sure that everything works ok.


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