7 Tips for a Successful Social Media Campaign

Learn how to run effective social media campaigns with a high return on investment. Simple tips for social media success.

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  1. Fran Aslam says

    Thanks for this awesomely informative detailed post about social media campaign. I was eager to know this information. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sriram says

    I’d like to add another tip

    Posting consistently at the right time:
    Irrespective of your follower count, post constantly. This gets your brand to be seen regularly by your followers. This will give them a chance to become more regular customers this way too. You might be required to post 2-3 times a day, or 2-3 times a week. Monitor your account carefully to determine your post frequency.

    Most Brands don’t have proper knowledge about the best time to post on . use analytic tools to observe when your photos are getting liked and commented on. Find out at what time’s your hashtags are being used. Then make sure to post your fresh content at the most active times.

    And also remember to not over post. It is not essential for you to post on Instagram every day. If you start posting a lot of content daily on a continuous basis, you might over-saturate your followers’ feeds and then your posts go from pleasant to irritating, and they lose interest on your page.

  3. Akin Aare says

    Well detailed explanations.

    I had few of those details in mind but with the spreading out, I got it all clear now.

    Thanks s much for the wonderful job and hope to reference you on my socials for the success of my campaigns

  4. Roger Binny says

    Social media campaigns and contests can be an effective way to add some lift to your social media marketing efforts. The big thing to remember is that your campaigns and contests don’t have to be huge productions with a ton of money behind them, but they do need a thoughtful strategy with your audience and their needs at the center.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Roger

      I agree with you 100%. Contests is a great way to encourage interaction on your social media campaigns. Yes, you sometimes don’t need a lot of money but creativity! Thanks for sharing your tips with us.


  5. Ridley Fitzgerald says

    You’ve got great tips for a social media campaign. I love how you said that it’s important to pick and audience and a demographic and cater to them. That’s just like personal social media too because people always cater their posts to their friends!

  6. Akanksha Jain says

    Thanks Alex for amazing tips.

    One thing that I want to know is, does use of hashtags give better results while running a campaign or it doesn’t?

  7. Ankit says

    Loved this article!!

    A survey shows that 2 hours and 22 minutes is the average time a person spends on the internet using Social Media sites.

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