How to Advertise on Google For Free (5 Ways)

Learn how to promote your business on Google without paying for ads. Everything you need to know about free advertising on Google.

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  1. saji says

    thank you for this straight forward post. regarding google coupons, is it available for non-us people as well, i have a site hosted in us(shared hosting) but i am non-us
    would the coupon work for me?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Saji

      Currently, the Google Ads coupon code is only available for US registered businesses. It does not have to do with where your website is hosted.

      Hope this helps

  2. Akshay Akky says

    Thanks for this amazing blog post. Adding your products on Google shopping is a great opportunity for grow your business.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Akshay

      That’s true 100%. Google shopping can give you free exposure on Google without having to pay for ads.

      Thanks for commenting.


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