What Is SEO And Why Is It Important?

An introduction to SEO for beginners. Learn what is the meaning of SEO and get examples on how to optimize your site using SEO best practices.

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  1. George says

    Alex, I don’t understand all the jargon (on-site,off-site) SEO and I have a very simple question: Will SEO bring me more traffic? 🙂

    • Alex Chris says

      George Hi

      Certainly will bring you more traffic and will also create more happy users!

      Thanks for passing by

    • Etconme says

      Hey George,
      SEO when done appropriately can not only bring traffic but it also brings potential customers that are actually looking for your business related services and products. Thus it’s very important for an SEO to understand the target audiences and nature of business.

  2. Tolga says

    Really enjoyed reading this article. Just one question.

    When you say that a site should have good content, what exactly is ‘good content’?


    • Rahul Bhatia says

      Simply put, ‘good content’ is content that has been properly researched for accuracy, speaks about topics that are popular (trending), and utilizes keywords that your target audience is using to find you. It must be easy to read, yet informative for your target audience and make you appear to be a leader in whatever industry you operate in. Ultimately, it should be content that people also want to share!

    • Kieran Rourke says

      ‘Good Content’ means your content should be unique, not a copied one. The second thing, it should be informative and revealing the exact information that reader wants.

  3. ItsMK says

    Great SEO Article… I wanted to become an seo expert, this is just awesome and very helpful in knowing so much about SEO…
    Thanks mate

  4. Jackie Wenebec says

    Very well said, Alex! And when you are looking for an SEO company to work with, it is imperative that you focus not just the cost but the quality of the service you will receive and the potential return of investment.

  5. Ethan Hawke says

    Very well said Alex.. Yes in today competitive world everyone try to find the way to earn more profit in business. SEO makes it very much easy to gain the online customers directly to your business. Quality SEO services can take company to different level than expectation.

  6. John Thomas says

    Thanks for sharing such a good Article, its very helpful for the new comers of eCommerce business starters.

  7. Gloria John says

    Hello, Alex!
    Great article with in-depth knowledge about SEO and why it is important for websites especially websites that related with online businesses. It is a great guide for SEO beginners. Helped me a lot to understand the each and every point about SEO. SEO helps businesses to find new customers and promote their brand on top pages of search engines that make easy for users to find your brand. SEO helps to boost your revenue by increasing the number of traffic to your website and by increasing sales.
    Thank you for sharing the great post Alex and keep doing a good job.

  8. Beqa Tskhadadze says

    I’m new to SEO and The SEO Key book spells it out so that a high school student can learn it. I haven’t applied any of the tools yet- I just finished the book. But I feel confident in my ability to implement the tools now because of this book.

  9. Ben Ramedani says

    Thanks for the blog it is nice source of information for SEOs and Webmasters. SEO is very important to get online business. For increasing the ranking in Search Engines and for online visibility every business should go with the quality SEO services. Hope you will continue to share interesting SEO blogs with us.

    • Alex says

      Hi Ben

      I will sure do! Make sure that you subscribe to my newsletter to get my latest blog posts.


  10. Rob S says


    Thank you for the insightful and well-written article. As being my initial exposure to this topic, I found it easy to understand and feel I now have a solid starting point from where I can begin implementing SEO strategies with my own site.

    I noticed that your page appears at #1 on the Google search results for “why is SEO important”–a pretty compelling testimonial. Would you be willing (and I would personally find it very helpful) to point out a small handful of places on this site that you revised to improve its SEO (e.g. off-site and on-site)?

    Thanks again,

    • Alex says

      Hi Rob
      SEO Improvement is a non-stop task. Besides publishing new content on a regular basis, one of the things every SEO should do is to go back and improve existing content and find new link opportunities.


  11. Ms. Gert says

    Hello Alex, Thank you for this article. I have a hard time grasping all these technicalities and terminologies around the wide web. I am an early retiree here in our country (PH) and the reason why I decided such because I want to stay home and take care of my old mother and while doing that I need to have an online job. On my search I tried applying tutorial ESL but failed, I have blogs at blogger for fun which I created few years ago just update it lately, I searched about how to become VA, and one online job want to have an experienced SEO marketer. I am a manager by profession on my regular job but dot com era enticed me and I am simply awed by people who shared ideas freely like you. Thank you for your free eBook.

  12. Ben says

    Nice. Thanks for sharing. SEO is very important for any kind of business. For visibility, brand awareness and higher ranking in search engines. Keep sharing your blog with more SEO updates.

  13. Sadhan Pal says

    How lucky I am! I’m searching new ideas containing article like this cause I’m getting failed to get a few traffic for my blog although I work every day on it and it has been going for six months. I think this article will help me to achieve my goal.

    Sadhan Pal

  14. Deepika Patel says

    Your blog is indeed a comprehensive take on SEO. It is pretty obvious that SEO has become a survival tactic for any website to beat its competitors and stay at the top on search engine results.

  15. Arvind says

    Thank you so much for providing such a useful information. You have made it so easy and clear to understand about SEO.

  16. Ana says

    Targeted traffic to a website can provide publicity, revenue, and exposure like no other channel of marketing.
    Investing in SEO can have an exceptional rate of return compared to other types of marketing and promotion.

  17. Kirti Mehra says

    Hi Alex,
    Great Post ,
    SEO is an investment that will surely give positive result after months of hardwork. It helps to get more organic and genuine traffic to the website and increases page rank.

  18. Frederick jones says

    Very good information alex,

    This will help me with my website since I’ve been struggling to grasp the basics of search engine optimization. Maybe some of these key factors is what is needed for me to get my website ranked.

  19. Vijay says

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for sharing wonderful information on search engine optimization.

    I am struggling with few doubts if you can help me to clear then it will be very helpful.

    1. My domain authority is dancing sometimes it crossing 15 and sometimes it backs to 10, I dont know why this happend.

    2. I am still not using https for my blog, Should I switch to https?

    Thank you

  20. Levi Cin says

    SEO is very helpful. As an on line marketer, I would know. It’s very much of a hassle at first but when you get it all figured out after a long time of practice, it is more beneficial than the traditional way of marketing. The return of investment is so high!

  21. Priya Patel says

    SEO is very important for any kind of business. For visibility, brand awareness and higher ranking in search engines.
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. Brakh sheth says

    Thanks for the blog it is the nice source of information for SEO and Webmasters. SEO is very important to get online business.

  23. Andrea Maria says

    I got good knowledge on SEO, the importance of quality contents and guest blogging. It is a great guide for SEO beginners. Both on-page and off-page techniques help website to increase traffic and get better position in the search engine.

  24. Guillermo says

    Hi Alex, do you have official info (meaning Google’s info) about the percentage of people clicking on SEO results rather on SEM (ads).
    I understand many people simply does not prefer to click on ads (although these ads appear on top results), and they just start viewing (and clicking) considering the first 5 or 6 SEO result only. Thanks!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Guillermo

      There are no “official stats” but many studies have shown that aprx 65% of clicks goes to the first 5 organic results.


  25. Ramesh Wetkoli says

    Hi Alex,

    A very helpful and informative post. I have followed a couple of on-page and off-page techniques to optimize my blog and certainly, the efforts have been paid off by getting a place in SERP for the desired keywords. SEO helps!

  26. Arun Kumar says

    Very impressive post. All these tips are handy for me. Im going to follow these strategies with my business blog in 2018. Thanks a lot Alex for creating this kind of beneficial contents.

  27. Eadlyn Schreave says

    Thank you, Alex! Your article really helped me a lot. I understand more about SEO, how it works, and how it is important on digital marketing.

  28. Rose says

    Impressive information in the article about how important SEO is to today’s world of digital marketing. It’s a great start for beginners & for experts to look back and have an easy look through. How do you personally think about SEO in today’s era of technology & digital marketing?

  29. Michel says

    Thanks for the info Alex about the importance of Seo.
    Seo can be very boring but its all about the results that counts.

    Cheers Alex

    • Alex Chris says

      That’s true Michel. Results do matter and SEO can help you get there faster.


  30. Naoshad Nayeem says

    Thanks, Alex. For this comprehensive SEO article. 🙂 Sometimes I wonder what will be the future of the search engines because then maybe 100s billion keywords will be there and 10 times more websites owners will be competing for the same keyword! Thanks for sharing…

  31. Mansoor says

    Thanks for the wonderful information on SEO importance. SEO is really important factor for any website. We should properly optimize websites for better indexing and website rankings. That is only way to achieve our SEO goals.

  32. Salih Ozbay says

    A set of worthy information. One thing here touched me that — a quality content always a big factor for a site’s performance in SERPs. Thanks for your amazing work!!!

  33. Sony Kashyap says

    Great topic about seo. Really this topic is very useful for seo users. Thanks for posting its advantages.

  34. Akshat Kumar says

    Very well explained SEO and its importance. informative and concise.
    Really in today’s competitive market, SEO is more important than ever.

    Thanks for posting this wonderful post.

  35. Kimberly Bruck says

    Hey Alex! Great post, Very informative and helpful for beginers!!!

  36. Harsumeet Singh says

    Thanks for the excellent information about SEO importance. SEO is a really important factor for any website. We should properly optimize websites for better indexing and website rankings. That is the only way to accomplish the goals of your website.

    • Alex Chris says


      Yes, that’s true, SEO is important for a website’s success. Everyone wants to rank higher in Google and those that follow solid SEO practices, will win the race (and get more traffic).


  37. Tahirabbas says

    Hii, Your article is very very unique and your writing style is very simple I mean easily understand. Please Keep it up and write more article.

  38. Irsa Chaudhry says

    Really great article. you clearly justifies the importance of SEO for the online business. When people search for products and services, you obviously want to appear as high in the search engine rankings as possible as when people will click on your sites you should have a valuable content which people share.

  39. Ella Hayes says

    Hi Alex, I am a regular reader of your blog. I understood some new points about the importance of SEO. I am dam sure that the presence of the web industry cannot think without SEO. Thanks for your good article.

  40. Melisa Smith says

    Hello Alex, I am very glad to read your article again. I try to read different types of marketing related article always. Today I surf to read about SEO and I found your one. I think today’s web world cannot think without SEO. Day by day the rang of SEO in becoming wide. Thank you so much for your awesome article. Keep covering this type of valuable content more.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Melina

      Thanks a lot! Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest posts on your inbox.

      All the best

  41. Tonya R Allison says

    Great…! Seo is most important to enhance our business, and everyone wants visibility and higher ranking in Search Engine, Thank you so much for sharing and keep it up..!

  42. Rob Dean says

    Thanks for your informative SEO Post. It helps in optimizing the content of your website or blog with the keywords searched by the consumers associated with your products and services to increase your visibility.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rob

      Thanks for commenting. Indeed, optimizing your website for the search intent, is the best way to go.


  43. Apurba murah says

    Hello Alex, I am very glad to read your article again. I surf to read about SEO and I found your one best. I think today’s web world cannot think without SEO.

  44. Enstine Muki says

    This is clean guide on SEO Alex.
    The industry is tough and constantly changing. So we need to always get updated to keep up with it.

    Happy weekend

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Enstine

      That’s true. SEO chances all the time and keeping yourself educated of new features it’s the only way to go.

      All the best

  45. Raju Debbarma says

    I have read lots about seo and this one is also the better. The more i read the more i gain seo knowledge that will surely help me throughout my blogging career

  46. Divya says

    Great content.
    Found this to be very helpful.
    Thanks for sharing, it has helped me a lot

  47. Brijesh says

    Thanks for sharing such useful information with us. You are doing a great job by educating new digital marketers and bloggers about SEO and google ranking factors.

  48. Witty Cookie says

    Thanks for writing great piece of information.
    Those who are not aware of SEO importance, now they can understand well how important is to getting ranking on first page.

  49. Michael Joseph says

    Really helpful article for me as i am newbie in this industry. wish me a good luck..


  50. john says

    Thankyou for sharing such a nice article and your knowledge with us. Every business with a Web site should make Search Engine Optimization trying to get your site as high up as possible on Google and Bing search-results pages a part of their growth strategy. At its most basic, “SEO” means finding ways to increase your site’s appearance in web visitors’ search results..

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi John

      That’s true, SEO is about finding ways to increase visibility in search engines results.

      All the best

  51. kbizsoft says

    Thank you for describing such a difficult topic in such an easy manner. I learned so many things about Search Engine Optimization through your blog. Please keep posting such good content.

    • Alex Chris says


      Glad I could help. SEO seems difficult at first but once you get to know how it works and start practicing, everything starts to make sense and the whole process becomes easier.


  52. Shweta rishabh jain says

    Hi, Thanks.
    Great SEO Article which is very innovative to improve your bussiness and to help the new beginners in this field.I wanted to become an seo expert, this is just awesome and very helpful article. Seo is most important to enhance our business, and everyone wants visibility and higher ranking in Search Engine

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Shweta

      That’s correct. SEO is the most important process to improve the visibility of a business in search engines.


  53. Derek McDoogle says

    It’s interesting how the majority of search engine users are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions that first appear. My boss wants to increase sales income and he asked us for suggestions. After reading this article, I will definitely recommend him to contact an SEO professional to help us be on the top list of search engines.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Derek

      The majority of Google trafific is distributed to the websites appearing on the first page and especially on top of the results. It is also a fact that websites appearing on the first position get much more traffic than websites appearing on the second or third position.

      Good luck explaining to your boss the benefits of SEO.


  54. Jonathan says

    Excellent write-up Alex. All the terms are explained in a well detailed and beginner-friendly manner

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Alister

      Thanks for your comment. All the best with your SEO efforts!

  55. Darrel Pontejo says

    Awesome article…very much informative, lots of learning related to seo including off-page and on-page seo.

  56. Karadan says

    Thanks for this valuable article.
    Can we rank on Google without backlinks and just following the basic SEO process?

  57. Chavelle Lawson says

    Thanks for the share.This is the key in ranking in google. Although the it changes so much.

  58. Ryan Byrd says

    Awesome post, Thanks for taking the time to compile it, google changes the way the rank so much its important to stay current.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ryan

      I agree, following SEO changes is important to stay current and to maintain your Google rankings.

      Thanks for commenting

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi William

      Yes, with SEO you can rely less on other channels, especially paid ones like Google Ads.

      All the best

  59. Chevelle Lawson says

    Thanks for the information share. I think SEO is the smartest thing anyone could learn. Keep writing great info like this.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Chevelle

      That’s true. Learning SEO these days is more important than ever.
      Thanks for your comment.

  60. Mohammed says

    Hey, This article is very informative & useful for the beginners of SEO, I am very impressive the way of writing. Thanks for sharing.

  61. Gaurav Khanna says

    Hi, Thanks for the blog its really informative, along with that there are 200 ranking factors that need to be checked. It helps in improving the organic traffic of the website in a better and effective way.

  62. Nandeesh says

    Hi Alex,
    Nice article you have written.

    And rightly you have cleared the doubts of those who believe SEO and Digital marketing are different. Thanks.

    What is your opinion on Bookmarking for Off-Page SEO?


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Nandeesh

      It does not worth it, it won’t make any difference to your SEO.

      All the best

  63. Avneesh K Gupta says

    I really enjoy reading well-researched write-ups, and this without a doubt is one of the most well done I’ve found recently.

  64. Dhruv says

    Thanks for sharing very helpful. Well explained I learned almost A to Z about SEO.
    keep sharing.

  65. Amir Beetajian says

    I really liked the post about what SEO is and why it is important. I think it’s so important that it should be a mandatory part of every website’s content. I’m really glad you shared your thoughts about what to do when it comes to SEO.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Amir

      That’s true, SEO is a critical process for the success of any website.

      All the best

  66. Bharat says

    A must-read for anyone looking to improve their website’s SEO performance! Thanks for sharing

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