9 Free Tools to Check Any Site’s Website Traffic

These are the best website traffic checker tools to find out how much traffic a website gets.

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  1. James Chadwick says

    The tools we have covered answer the question of how to check the website traffic of competitors. However, it is just as important to continually monitor your own website’s traffic.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi James

      Yes, that’s true. To check the traffic of your own website, the best tools are Google Analytics and Google Search Console (as explained in the article).

      Thanks a lot

  2. Ivica Panic says

    SemRush is my favorite. I think it’s the best tool vs pricing to compare with other like Similar web.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ivica

      I agree, Semrush is a great tool for checking a website’s traffic and for a lot of other functions.

      Thanks for commenting.

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