How to Find and Fix Indexing Errors Using Google Search Console

A step-by-step tutorial on fixing indexing errors using the Google Search Console index coverage report and the URL Inspection tool.

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  1. Rajeev Ranjan says

    Thanks for posting an article on this topic, Alex. It would be very helpful to those who are having trouble fixing indexing errors.

  2. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Awesome Post. I really like the new look of Google Search console. Fixing errors and issues is now very easy with the new look. Thanks for sharing helpful tips. Shared it on social networks.


  3. Navya says

    I have an issue in search console only for a single URL, with its canonical tag got an issue, showing like the domain is separated from the tag, once we check the source code. Do you know to fix it?
    like example(dot)com is my site and i have example(dot)com/abc-def-sd/
    Canonical tag taking like /abc-def-sd/
    Please advice me with the right way to remove this issue.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Navya

      The canonical tag should be the full URL i.e. “example(dot)com/abc-def-sd/” and not just the slug.

      Hope this helps

  4. Ghani Mengal says

    Good post, I’m also getting some crawl Issues and for some reason, I wasn’t able to solve them but by following these steps that you mentioned, now my performance is better than before. Thanks for it.

  5. Abir says

    I can’t find all my pages on the coverage area in Search Console. And after inspecting the ones missing, I get the message ” Page not indexed, but not because of an error “. Can you explain please how I can fix this ?

    Thank you

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Abir

      Not all pages of a website are indexed by Google. So, if a page has no errors but not indexed, it means that Google does not find ‘value’ on that page. It can either be a duplicate of some other page or with little or no content. What you can do is to review these pages and try to improve them.

      I hope this helps

  6. Moshiour Rahman says

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for such a nice guide. It really helped me with some of my search console problems. I have a question to ask you “My website new post don’t get index” how can I make sure of the indexing?

  7. Md Shakil Khan says

    Good post, I’m also getting some crawl Issues and for some reason, I wasn’t able to solve them but by following these steps that you mentioned, now my performance is better than before. Thanks for it.

  8. Denise Ochoa says

    Hi Alex,
    I’m really learning a lot from your resources. I’m using the SEO Checklist and I’ve plenty of work to entertain my self for a while.

    Just wondering if you have any advise to tackle the “Excluded” section?
    More than half of my pages have issues there. :/


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Denise

      The “excluded” are not necessarily bad. From the “excluded” check the “Not Found (404)” and “Soft 404” sections and see if you can fix them. In general, tt’s normal that you’ll have a lot of pages in the “excluded” section.

      I hope this helps

  9. Krishna says

    The guidance given in your article solved my problem. Thank you very much for the helpful post.

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