Local SEO Checklist: 15 Steps To Increase Local Rankings

A complete checklist to optimize your website for local SEO and improve your visibility in local search results.

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  1. Kristopher says

    Fantastic article! It will definitely push small business owners, or SEOs who are just starting, in the right direction for optimizing their site.

  2. Dianne says


    This is an excellent article! This will really help small businesses in expanding and and optimizing its resources and profits. I see that the checklist is a must to push through into a larger view of the business.

  3. Keller Tiemann says

    Hi Alex,

    This post is a great resource for local SEO. Thank you for taking the time to put it together and share it!

    Looking forward to more great SEO posts like this!


  4. Catharine says

    This post is pure gold! Thanks so much for sharing this knowledge with all of us!

  5. Dan Mitroi says

    Really good info, even a newbie can handle local optimization now.
    Waiting for more great SEO related resources.

  6. Vipul Baldaniya says

    Enjoyed this article, thanks for sharing this!
    You did a great job in explaining it. Keep up the great work!
    Thanks for the share! @Alex

  7. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Thanks for this beautiful and in depth article. I have also seen that Local SEO is very helpful to get targeted and localized traffic. If your business is solely for your localized customers than it will be very beneficial to increase conversions and lead.

  8. Matt LaClear says

    Hi, Alex. I never in a million years would have thought about optimizing a logo for local SEO purposes. In fact, I don’t recall ever using alt text on a logo. Thanks!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Matt

      It’s not the biggest local SEO factor but it’s still good to do it. Every small thing helps!


  9. Jane James says

    Growing small business with local SEO can be the best option, this is the only way that can give you fastest results.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Jane

      I agree with you 100%, Local SEO can generate great opportunities for small businesses.


  10. Rob Oskins says

    Excellent list Alex. This is a list that every business owner should do. It seems most lack a well put together Google My Business page. Thanks for the work that you put into it.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rob

      I agree with you and I noticed this as well while working on client websites. Having a Google My Business page is very important for Local SEO.

      All the best

  11. Otto says

    Epic post man!
    Thanks for your great content.

    I had already my checklist but wow always are more valuable information to add.

    Thanks in advance.

  12. Poonam says

    Thanks Alex for this purely original post. I am searching for help in local SEO and you did it really these are very great techniques to promote local businesses. Share more like this…and plz guide me about great SEO tools n what things we should consider before doing SEO of a website.

  13. Chris Finnegan says

    Hey Alex,

    That’s a great list of local SEO tips! Just working on a few of these will boost local exposure. Another thing I could add is to create targeted local content or local landing pages so you could rank on locations you target.

    We’ve found that these local landing pages are excellent, particularly for salons and tradie marketing.

    Overall, this is a very comprehensive blog mate!


  14. Shyam Govind says

    This is such a useful article! Thank you so much, Alex.

    I have bookmarked this for future reference. 🙂 One question – How do you handle NAP when there is an update in address or phone number?

    The data would have gone to so many websites, how can one practically change it everywhere? Would love to know your inputs!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Shyam

      There is no easy solution to this. It has to be done manually.


  15. Kimmie Watson says

    Thanks @Alex for sharing awesome checklist to start with local SEO. Most of them I was already aware of, but some are new to me.
    I have one suggestion to Google My Business team – if they can provide options to add social media links to ‘My Business page’, it will be easy to understand for users to go through the social platforms of that particular company. Nowadays, it’s very important to have social signals to your websites and these social signals play a significant role in boosting the website/company’s authority.
    What say??

  16. Tina says

    I have clients that are home service providers, i.e. electricians and roofers, they serve an area and they do not have a brick and mortor office location. My question is two fold. First, how do you specify an area as opposed to a specific address on business profiles and the website? Second, search for these services are local searches, so how do search engines determine based on a service area, that has multiple zip codes, which providers are closest to the geolocation an individual is searching from?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Tina

      These are things you can specify in your Google Business Profile listing. You can specify areas and multiple locations for a single business.

      I hope this helps.

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