SEO Tutorial: The Complete Guide For Beginners

Teach YourSelf SEO with our step-by-step SEO tutorial. Perfect for beginners to search engine optiization.

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  1. Emi says

    Thanks for complete SEO guide I always think or feel that I am missing any element of SEO on my blog. That was true I was not taking time on selecting good keywords and meta descriptions.

    • Alex says

      Hi Emi

      Thanks for your comment. Glad that you found the SEO tutorial useful.


  2. Soren says

    Great guide, Alex! However, did you ever finish that article about AMP? I would love to know more about the WordPress plugins for fast AMP HMTL and speedy loadtime (read: better user experience)!

    Regards from a danish reader.

    • Alex says

      Hi Soren

      It’s almost ready. We did many AMP implementations the last couple of months and I will share all my experiences in a new guide really soon.


  3. Hemant Kumar says

    Great stuff! As a new starter to search engine optimization, the blog which contains information about this helped me a lot.

    • Alex says

      Hi Hemant,

      Thanks for your comment. Be patient, follow solid SEO advice and the results will come.


  4. Monika Dugal says

    Thank you, Alex for the great post on basics of SEO for beginners. I would highly recommend your post to anyone who wants to learn SEO.

  5. Susan Steigle says

    Very true that it is possible to learn how to implement SEO strategies on your own. Some community colleges and high schools are now offering courses for adults who wish to improve their SEO skills.

    • Alex says

      Hi Susan

      That’s good to hear. SEO is no longer a simple task of creating keyword stuffed content but it’s a lot more than that. Gradually more and more courses will come to the surface and eventually why not a dedicated degree, in addition to the Digital Marketing courses that are already available.


      • Susan Steigle says

        I agree with you; the content must be high quality and not just jammed with keywords while not making any sense. In fact, my son starts high school next year and I just attended an open house to learn about the courses offered. They’re now teaching marketing which includes a beginning SEO class!

  6. uthman saheed says

    Thanks Alex for this wonderful post on SEO. Do you mean getting a tech blog backlink to a fashion blog has no single influence on SEO? Or it even hurt the blog?

    • Alex says

      Hi Uthman
      Does it make sense for a tech blog to link to fashion blog? Maybe not that much but still if the tech blog is legitimate and trusted by Google, the link will have some value but it’s not the same as getting a link from a lifestyle or other blog that is more related to fashion.

      Hope this helps

  7. Praan Kumar says

    Again a Nice Article Sir, very helpful SEO steps. There are lots of SEO guide are available on the internet, but I found this website most useful with free of cost. Big thanks, sir.

  8. Adrienne says

    Thanks for the info on schema markup. This is one thing we are currently working to implement for our clients as well.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Adrienne

      Yes, schema markup is becoming more and more important these days and it’s a must do item for better SEO.


  9. John Martin says

    This was a great and interesting article to read. I have really enjoyed all of this very cool information

  10. Pawan Sharma says

    Great Alex its was really too good. really a such great article for seo beginners. it’s really helpful.

  11. Nanda Trio says

    Thanks Alex,
    This article is very good, I really don’t understand SEO, but after seeing this I am a little bit more understanding.
    This article is very helpful

  12. Harish says

    Hi Alex,
    That was a fantastic guide for the beginners. I want to ask you “How to know that a website or domain is penalized by Google?” Are there any tools for it?

  13. deepak says

    hello alex.
    thank you for the awesome information i really very happy by getting this information, again thank you so much.

  14. Rahul GUPTA says

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for giving such a wonderful tips of SEO these are really helpful in blogging. This article is really full of information and knowledge.

  15. Bruno Lilley says

    A truly valuable resource that, along with others, helped me to write my own blog post about SEO for beginner’s. As I’m learning more and more about SEO I found your post to be constant reference material so thank you!

  16. Urdu Poetry says

    Nice Article 👌. Very helpful ,
    Thanks for sharing. The Ultimate DIY SEO Tutorial For Beginners
    Keep up the great work.

  17. Soyaib says

    Hay Alex,
    Thanks for explaining so beautifully. I really benefited from your article. I started working on my site.

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