How To Write Good Meta Descriptions (Examples + Best Practices)

Learn what are meta descriptions and how to write them. Includes many examples of good and bad descriptions.

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  1. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    very informative post. Meta description is very important to increase clicks on search engine result page. I completely agree with you that writing engaging and good description is very important. I am sure that this post is gonna help newbies to learn more about Meta description and make most out of it. Thanks again for this beautiful post.

    Have a Great Day 🙂

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Vishwajeet

      Thanks for your comment. I agree, meta descriptions are very important.

      All the best

  2. jack says

    Nice article and well worth the read, this is easily the most informative article on meta tags.

    Jack from Piqued Digi Media

  3. Bright Speed Media says

    Hey Alex. Really enjoyed this. Chock full of great information. Meta description can be make or break. It’s surprising how many businesses don’t put the time and effort into tweaking it for maximum conversions.

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