What Are Soft 404 Errors And How To Fix Them (Easy Guide)

Learn how to find and fix soft 404 errors and not found (404) errors.

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  1. Victoria says

    Thanks for this useful information.
    I recently deleted a post on my WordPress blog, how do I redirect it to a similar article so I stop getting a “404 not found” message.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Victoria

      You need to add a 301 Redirection to point to a new URL. Something like this:


      You can add this in your .htaccess file or in Yoast SEO advanced settings.

      Hope this helps

  2. James Smith says

    The information you provide about soft 404 Errors are definitely well-detailed. The guide you give on how to fix them is truly easy. Thanks for providing a description of a soft 404 error. You clearly point at the difference between 404 Not Found and soft 404 errors. You present well the relation between 404 Errors and SEO. Thanks for giving us the tips on how to fix soft 404 errors.

  3. Nitin Dabas says

    Hi Alex,
    Actually, Google Search Console is showing soft 404 error for one of my categories that I use on my site.
    But, it is actually a live URL, don’t know why Google is taking it as soft 404 error.
    I have just clicked on Validated Fix, is it okay or should I do something else?
    -Nitin Dabas

  4. Nikki says

    Thanks for this article. The soft 404 I’m getting is for an author/wp-engine page. So, it’s not a page with an editable header. Should this “page”/URL just be added to the robot.txt file to correct the soft 404 error?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Nikki

      Yes, if you don’t want the page to be indexed. Otherwise, add a 301 redirect to redirect the page to a valid URL.

      I hope this helps.

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