Product Page SEO: 12 Tips And Best Practices

An easy tutorial on how to optimize eCommerce product pages. Learn the top tips to improve your SEO rankings.

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  1. James Huon says

    This is nice SEO guide. I think not only for e-commerce website but it also apply to any SEO site to rank higher in Google.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi James

      Yes, the SEO advice will help any website rank higher in Google but some of the tips are specific to product pages.

      All the best

  2. Vipul Baldaniya says

    Great information here, it’s a must read.
    You did a great job in explaining it. Keep up the great work!
    Thanks for the share! @Alex

  3. Matt Roberts says

    Alex this is spot on. I think ecommerce sites get hurt by simple stuff that you talk about in this post because alot of ecom platforms are pretty hard to work on… so finding an expert to help you with implementation can definitely pay off!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Matt,

      That’s true, simple changes in SEO can make a huge difference at the end.

      All the best with your SEO efforts.


  4. Barbara Matlock says

    Previously I was a little confused about how I should optimise eCommerce website. Thank you ALex now I know actually how I should optimise this kind of sites. This will help me a lot.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Barbara

      eCommerce websites can be a bit tricky to optimize but as you have read above, it’s a matter of following eCommerce SEO best practices.

      Thanks a lot for your comment,

  5. Ronaldo Stewart says

    All great points Alex! I think one of the most important aspect of SEO for e-commerce pages like you mentioned is usability. All keywords and rankings aside, if users clicking around a site trying to buy a product can’t even view the product or have issues reading it’s description and end up leaving, then all of the other SEO work was done for nothing.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rolando,

      Usability is indeed a great SEO ranking factor, the most important of all.

      Thanks for your comment.

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