What Is SEO Content? Best Practices For Beginners

A complete step-by-step guide on SEO content. Learn how to fully optimize your content for search engines.

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  1. Saqib Irfan says

    Very in depth and detailed post Alex.

    I am just interested to know if you have written a full article on Schema and Structured Data and how to apply that on ones website?

  2. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Content still plays a great role in on page SEO. Creating long and quality content is both helpful for users and search engines. I have also implemented these strategies and it works great for me. Thanks for sharing these helpful insights.

    Have a Great Day 🙂

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Vishwajeet

      Thanks for your comment and all the best with your Content optimization efforts.


  3. Jackab says

    I am a beginner in SEO and your blog is very helpful for me. I follow all the tips that you share here.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Jackab

      Stay tuned (subscribe to my newsletter) for even more SEO tips and advice.


  4. Navin Rao says

    Cool thoughts Alex,
    onpage optimization was always been so crucial for content to rank. Ignored most of the time.

    I realized, most of us in the online world has some misconceptions about In page SEO, thinking it’s all about inserting keywords… Your have covered the topics well. A, reliable source to go through..

    Thanks, have a great day!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Navin

      I’m glad that the post helped you understand the importance of content SEO.

      All the best

  5. Brain Pundits says

    Hey Alex

    awesome article.
    On-page seo is the one the most important aspect to SEO. I also think link building would always be the first priority.
    Keep up the good work

    • Alex Chris says


      Yes, link building is important but without the right type of content, you cannot achieve high rankings, even if you build links.

      Thanks for commenting

  6. Govind Waghmare says

    Hye Alex

    Most informative article … You have solved all my doubt… And to maintain good rank

    Thank you

  7. Lắm Nguyễn says

    Hey Alex!

    “Content optimization starts with keyword research”.

    I completely agree with this. If you write without the keyword in mind, you won’t be able to optimize it for SEO.

    Thank you.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Lam

      Thanks for commenting. It’s true that SEO content starts with keyword research but this should not be confusing with keyword stuffing or writing content for search engines only. You should always have users in mind and what content they want to read.


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