How to Get Sitelinks in Google Search Results

Learn how to get Google sitelinks and improve the appearance of your search snippets. Complete guide with step-by-step instructions and examples.

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  1. Aminul Islam says

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for the post. Actually I was looking for this kind of post.
    This Post gave me alot of clarification about sitelinks.

    Thanks Again and keep posting great content 🙂

  2. John Advent says

    Thanks for the information, I will be following your guidance to try and get my sitelinks to show in google

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi John

      Good luck! Be patient with it, it takes time for Google to process structural changes made to a website.


  3. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Very informative and educational post. Sitelinks definitely play an important role in website promotion in search engine result page and gives good CTR. I will definitely go to implement these techniques so that my site links can show on google search result page. Thanks again for this beautiful post.

    Have a Great Day 🙂


    Dear Alex,
    Thank you for this detailed and clear guide about sitelinks. It is really very valuable and instructive for me.

    It is great !…

    Best from Turkey

  5. Maria says

    Thanks for the information, I will be following your guidance to try and get my sitelinks to show in google

  6. Irfan Ullah says

    Thank you for sharing such information , i will follow all your steps and will try to implement it in my new real estate website.

    Keep it up !

  7. Felix Ikehi says

    I have been wondering why I can’t get a sitelink to show for my site, now its much clearer. Thanks

  8. Kiran Aloha says

    Thanks for the detailed explanation about Sitelinks. This article gives us a brief and deep intro about sitelinks.

    Keep it up!!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ashraf

      Glad I could help. Sitelinks are important and an easy win if you do things right.


  9. Selvan Tamilmanni says

    Hello Allex,

    It’s really a great information. Sitelinks plays a huge role on Google search results, as you said be patients is key point. It happens tomorrow, or day after tomorrow don’t stop your promotional activities.

    At the same time proper website structure play’s a vital role on it.

    Thanks for your valuable information.

  10. Marwin Ramos says

    Hello Alex,

    I have got our site to show sitelinks on Google Search results, however it only shows the title of the pages. Is there a way for us to show the page descriptions as well?

  11. anthony says

    hi Alex,
    my sitelinks are appear, but the visual is horizontal, i want the vertical version, any idea to make it happen?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Anthony

      You cannot control this, it’s up to Google to decide where and how to show your sitelinks. Just follow the best practices above and Google will eventually do what is working best for your site.


  12. Sogolytics says

    Hi Alex,

    This is a lovely piece. Loved reading it.

    Our site recently rebranded and we have lost some of the Sietlinks so wanted to get them back. Will try your suggestions and keep you updated.

    Thanks again!


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Sogolytics

      Thanks for commenting and good luck with your sitelink efforts.

      All the best

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