How to Make a Profitable Website Without Selling Anything

Learn how to make money off a website from scratch without selling any product or service.

Master SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, eCommerce, YouTube Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Much More in this Comprehensive Digital Marketing Course.
Digital Marketing Full Course


  1. Jeff Howard says

    It’s such a time-consuming excersise building, finding good quality content and products to make an income online. You really to have to persevere to make things happen – As I well know!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Jeff

      Yes, that’s true. It’s a lot of work to create good content and get traffic so that you can make money from a website. The good news is that it’s not in theory but it can happen. I make a living online and so do thousands of people.

      Patience is always the key.

      All the best

  2. Emma says

    Thanks for the wonderful insights. I think I will try out google adsense. Your post is really helpful.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Emma

      Thanks for your nice comment. Adsense is a good way to get started but as you become more experienced, you can also try out other methods for making money online.


  3. Doronize says

    It’s better to start everything from the beginning except the money making side, because you will first need to build traffic before any other thing

  4. Kornesmo kasekwa says

    Thanks fo great telling content ,, it sounds hard but through this u made me think even more on what to do so as to take over all hardship and chase the succes.

  5. Leah says

    I am interested to have a website but I don’t have the skills and time to write . I wonder if I invest to get 5 articles written per month and focus on building traffic with SEO and social media, will that be worth it? My goal is only to get $3000 a month from the website.

  6. Marry Walker says

    I always wanted to make my personal website but don’t aware for some ideas. After getting your blog I learned so many things from this blog and can solve my issues. This blog would be very helpful to make a profitable website. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Arun Malik says

    Hi Alex,

    It’s amazing, just this morning I asked God to send me a way to go about helping me go about learning ways to make money.
    Your website info blog is so meaning full and easy to understand that I will share your w/s with so many people that need this information.
    Thank you in advance concerning this matter.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Arun

      Thanks for your comment. Glad I could help you learn how to make money off a website.

      All the best

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