What is Evergreen Content and Why it’s Important for Your Blog Success

Learn what evergreen content is, why it's important and how to use it to increase your organic traffic and run a successful blog.

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  1. Rezaul Tipu says

    The article regarding evergreen content is really nicely written. I personally overwhelmed to read the article. It is a guide to beginners.. Hope anyone can get affluent information to make SEO friendly evergreen articles from this presentation. Thanks the writer Alex Chris for his outstanding efforts to SEO related people.

    • Alex says

      Hi Rezaul

      Thank you for your comment. Indeed my intention was to help beginners understand the importance of evergreen content for their blog growth.



  2. Mark Curtis says

    Hm, I wonder. If the definition of evergreen changes, then will this article still be considered evergreen? Haha, anways, definitely enjoyed the read Alex.

    I feel like I’ve always understood what evergreen content was, I just never quite saw a concrete definition on it. I think you defined it quite well. Thank you for that.

    Got to add this to my kifi to make sure I take a look back when I need.

    Thank you, sir.

    • Alex says

      Hi Mark

      Good point! We don’t know how the web will evolve in the next 5 or 10 years but I remember other people talking about evergreen content 10 years ago and their advice is still valid today.

      Thanks for reading and commenting

      All the best

  3. Sandra says

    Hi Alex
    I really like your language and how you explain something. I am quite new and try to get traffic on my website. I definitely need more time! I have so many ideas to write down evergreen contents (I hope it is) and have to learn all about traffic and linking and social media! I have fun but starting is hard! Nevertheless thank you and I hope I can learn a lot more from your experiences! Good job!

    • Alex says

      Hi Sandra

      Thank you for your comment. If you are starting out now the recipe is simple: write good evergreen content, promote it socially and be patient. New blogs take time to take off but there is nothing stopping you from making it work.

      All the best

  4. Atinder says

    Hey Alex,

    Well, I am always a big fan of writing high quality content, which really helps increasing social traffic, if content is worth sharing and then, with some reputation,, the flow of natural backlinks comes in. Although a time consuming process, but a pure white hat method to gain organic traffic.

    What you say about this?

    • Alex Chris says


      It is a time consuming process indeed but its the only way to achieve good results in the long run without worrying about Google updates. Its the way to go.

  5. Nabal Mishra says

    Hello Alex..

    First of all….Very Thanks, to you to wrote this good content about increase website traffic.
    I feel like I’ve always understand your each word about how to use evergreen and non-evergreen content to increase website traffic and definitely enjoyed the read. I think you defined it very well….

    And again,Thank you sir and I hope I can learn a lot more from you.

    • Alex Chris says

      HI Nabal

      Thanks a lot for your nice comment. I’m glad I could help you understand what is evergreen content.

      All the best with your content efforts!

  6. Ellie Joshi says

    Evergreen contents like how to posts, DIY posts, list posts, tutorial posts, interview roundup posts work great and those are life time assets for any company website or blog because in long run those will attract more visitors and back-links to the site and eventually boost the SEO and ranking of the entire website.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ellie,
      Very well said, evegreen content is a life-time asset for your website.

      Thanks for your input

  7. Alexisjachod says

    The article regarding evergreen content is really nicely written. I personally overwhelmed to read the article. It is a guide to beginners..thank you so much.all the best

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