How Do Search Engines Work? (Easy Beginner’s Guide)

Learn what search engines do and how they work. Easy step-by-step tutorial with a video for beginners.

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  1. Virginessays says

    I am really impress with you for the selecting of new and unique topic “How search engines work” and also well written article on it. Thanks for sharing with us. This really new information for me.

  2. Kieron says

    Another great article, well researched thank you. 2 years ago we were seeing SEO being somewhat de-emphasised (at least here in the UK), in favour of Social Media optimisations. Over the past 6 months that has definitely reversed and clients are caring more about Google once again. Not sure if that is being experienced by everyone. Also for better or worse in the UK, Google is the only real player in the search market and we’ve had to make sure that we understand the particular quirks of their approach to help clients. Always helpful to read in-depth pieces like this one, so thanks for posting.

  3. Khushi says

    I really appreciate your efforts.You did a great job for the Beginners like me.
    This is the first time I know how Google search engine works.

    • Alex Chris says

      HI Khushi

      Knowing how search engines work and in particular Google, will help you approach search engine optimization correctly.

      All the best

  4. Dina says

    Omgoodness… Thanks so much for this well written, super easy to understand article. I’m completely computer stupid and now I finally understand what this all means and how it works. Thank you!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Dina

      Thanks a lot for your nice comment. That was exactly the purpose of this post, to help you understand how do search engines work without getting too technical.

      All the best

  5. Richa Tripathi says

    Well written article on How Search engine works. Got a clear idea about it . Thanks for sharing.

  6. Jane says

    Great post. It’s easy to understand even for a non-technical guy like me. I found many interesting things to learn from you post. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Alice says

    Thanks for your useful article. Information about the processes of crawling, indexing, and ranking is very clear. We all know how important crawling and indexing are, however, is there any time we don’t want search engines to index our posts or the entire site?

    • Alex Chris says

      HI Alice

      If you don’t want a search engine to index particular posts or the entire site, you can use the ‘noindex’ directive. This will instruct search engines not to index the particular page or page(s).

      Hope this helps

  8. Anubhav says

    It was really helpful to me as I was looking for basic guide to SEO. I have many things pending to read from your other articles. Will read them one by one. Thanks for putting so much free info with your hard work Team. Have a great time.

  9. Femi says

    It is very clear and straight forward.
    But please, at the point where u mentioned Webpage Speed – Websites that load fast (think 2-3 seconds) have a small advantage compared to websites that are slow to load.
    Pls explain better because i thought other way round.

  10. Ashu says

    great content. pls keep up the good work.

    I am planning to start my own digital marketing agency and you content helped me to understand the basics.

    any suggestion how should go further in regards of learning and starting the agency?

  11. Glory says

    Thanks Alex,
    The topic is much clear and easy understandable . Before i don’t know much about search engines,but now I get something which will help me in my second semester University examination.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Glory
      Thanks for your comment and I’m very glad I could help you understand how search engines work.

      All the best

  12. Marike Mostert says

    We think we get search engines just by its idea, but this just puts everything into perspective and how much work goes into being a top search.

    thank you

  13. John Simwenyi says

    Thanks Alex it’s a wonderful article, I am seriously looking to learn digital marketing for my business and your article has been very helpful.

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