What Is an SEO Friendly Website? (Simple Explanation)

Learn the characteristics and advantages of having an SEO-Friendly website.

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  1. Ramesh Sanapala says

    Hi Alex,

    Great content on Seo friendly website, but if you are elobrate more about on mobile how to optimize content on mobile will looks more interesting, any way will catch you on next comming blog content on mobile

    • Alex says

      Ramesh Hi

      Thanks a lot. That’s a great idea and a nice topic for an upcoming blog post. Stay tuned for mobile SEO with examples!

      Thanks again.

  2. Maina Kabui says

    Thank you for your timely advice, especially to me, because I was wondering how I could make my website SEO-friendly and to increase its traffic.

  3. Blossom Smith says

    Very true. But your meta description copy can help you get clicks to your website if people are finding your meta data too interesting to be clicked in search result pages

  4. Hasan says

    Nice post. Special focus must be for Mobile users. As google is giving more importance to mobile user experience.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Hasan

      That’s true. Having an SEO friendly website these days means it should be mobile friendly as well.

      All the best

  5. Stephen Paul says

    Thank you for sharing the list. I have just started optimizing my website to make it rank better and this list told me what my website was lacking and helped me to figure out the opportunities.

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