How to Do SEO For a New Website When You Have a Limited Budget

A step-by-step process on how to optimize a brand new website or blog for search engines when you have a limited budget or resources.

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  1. Patrick McGowan says

    What if you have only one or two niche products. Not much to blog about on daily basis. Creating content will be difficult. Can you use content from other sites?

    • Alex says

      Hi Patrick

      Using content exactly ‘as is’ on other websites is not something I would recommend. Your website needs to have something unique to offer. Taking ideas from other websites and making them better it’s ok but complete copy/paste, will not help you in anyway.

      Hope this helps

  2. Theresa Merkelbach says

    This was a nice to do list that gives the basics for what we need to focus on in regards to SEO. You mentioned to network with other local businesses which in my case I network with other bloggers since I’m considered a solopreneur.

  3. Pankaj Dhawan says

    Hi Alex,

    On-page and off-page are very important two factors and we cannot avoid or ignore any of these but I wanted to know – how do you spend time on on-page and off-page SEO?

    • Alex says

      Hi Pankaj

      When the site is new spend more time on on-page SEO and when you have enough content on the site, start spending time on off-page SEO as well.


  4. Ian Pearson says

    “A few links from highly trusted websites are far more valuable than 100 links from low trusted sources.” – People never seem to get this…

    A well-rounded up article Alex, good job.


  5. Gagan Kamboj says

    as a newbie in blogging i really need to know about SEO and this article helps me a lot.

    Thanks bro for sharing

  6. David Lillard says

    There are lots of business owners who are doubting SEO could help their business grow. Most companies have websites but only a few are optimized. Your article is a great source of information to show business owners what SEO can do to their businesses. Thank you, man, for sharing it.

  7. Halina Biernacki says

    When I get all tangled up in the details and juggling SEO elements I find your blogs very helpful to stay on track.

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