How To Become An SEO Expert (2024 Guide)

Learn the exact steps to go from SEO novice to SEO expert. Improve your skills, become an SEO specialist and pursue a successful career in SEO.

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  1. Shubhmeet jaggi says

    Your article is really very informative and attractive too. I like the way you describe each and everything. Keep sharing these kinds of article.

  2. Saurabh says

    Hi Alex,

    Wow! Impressive Guide! This must be more than enough for anyone who wants to become an SEO expert.

    As per my opinion, every SEO Expert should focus on these few things.

    1. Quality
    2. Search Engine Behaviour
    3. Networking and keeping up to date with SEO news
    4. User Experience
    5. Content
    6. Link building

    Thanks again for this Awesome Information. I’m so glad I came across this Post today!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Saurabh

      Excellent summary of the steps needed to become an SEO expert.

      All the best with your SEO efforts!

  3. Jacobeomar says

    Hi Alex, This article is filled with answers for my ample questions. I am in the mist of starting a new blog and this article will be a bookmark for my future reference. Thanks for sharing this informative article.

  4. Abhishek Singh says

    Thank You so much for this informative post. Thanks for sharing how you are doing it and I am sure a lot of people will be helped through the resource you shared.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Abhishek

      Thanks for your comment. Follow the included resources and you can become and SEO specialist in no time!


  5. Pooja Thakur says

    Thanks for sharing this marvelous post. I m very pleased to read this article .I enjoy this site – its so useful and helpful.

  6. Mark Stephen says

    I am reading a blog on this website for the first time and I would like to tell you that the quality of the article is up to the mark it is very well written.

  7. Prashant Rai says

    Hi Alex,
    This article is awesome, because this article is very clear and simple for us and all SEO’s. I love this article. Thanks Alex!

  8. Mandeep says

    Hi Alex,

    I have started my career as a freelance SEO expert and your post is going to help me. I have reviewed your post on Technical SEO and my doubts are cleared now. I think I am going to buy you “the complete SEO course” 🙂

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mandeep

      Thanks a lot. The Complete SEO Course will teach you everything you need to know about SEO and it’s perfect for beginners.

      All the best

  9. Paul Hayman says

    Search Engine Optimization is the backbone of Digital Marketing now a days. All of your distinctively defined tips for becoming SEO expert are tremendous. I will surely work for SEO accordingly.

  10. Dhiraj says

    Nice write-up, thanks for this. SEMRush & Ahrefs both are great tools. However, I think they are expensive for someone who is just starting. Looks like there is a clear market for a tool that offers similar features at a limited cost so that a newbie blogger can afford.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Dhiraj

      Good tools are expensive but they offer a lot of value. There are so many things to analyze and a lot of metrics to track that makes it impossible to do it manually.

      All the best

  11. Niranjan says

    First I thank you. I was benefited by reading this post, which was very useful for me. My knowledge has increased. I have read a lot of blogs before, but I did not get as much advantage as I did when reading this blog. I like the way you write your blog, method of writing. Write the same blog and keep giving everyone knowledge.
    “Gaining knowledge increases knowledge!”

  12. Nick says

    Thanks for the article!
    SEO changes very quickly. It is difficult to follow trends. It is necessary to read a lot of information, read blogs, forums. Thanks for the list of experts does not know all of them 🙂

  13. Arif qadri says

    I feel very glad that I got to come here for reading about SEO professional and expert as well, In the beginning, I thought I’m read unnecessarily but when I read the whole content of your site I feel very glad I can’t tell you what have you done for me. I will just thank you for sharing your incredible knowledge with us

  14. Tim Bick says

    Thanks for this. I have to confess I do find SEMRush a bit confusing – do you know of a good resource that gives a simplistic guide to how to use it?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Tim

      There is a learning curve but once you get used to it, it’s really a good tool. They have an academy and a KB to help you get started. Also, a lot of my blogs have instructions on how to use it for keyword research, link building etc.

      Hope this helps

  15. Abhishek Dharmik says

    Thanks for sharing this blog post online. I really loved the way you have organized this blog post. All the tools and links which you have included are amazing and top-notch. Hope, this will help me polish my SEO skills. Will definitely be sharing this blog post with my friends… 🙂

  16. Arpit Pal says

    Thanks for providing such a wonderful and meaningful info regarding seo tools and techniques. I hope you will share same informative post in future also. Please keep sharing!!

  17. Gareth says

    Hi Alex,

    I like your point 3 – Understand the true meaning of SEO

    I have seen people selling SEO courses on Facebook don’t know the difference between on page or off page SEO.

    Thanks for explaining it all in a clear meaningful way.

  18. Surjeet verma says

    Hi Mr. Alex,
    This article is amazing. I am in the midst of starting a new blog and this article will be a bookmark for my future reference. Thanks for sharing this informative article.

  19. taufeeque says

    Really great blog and tips. This article is amazing Thanks for providing such a wonderful and meaningful info regarding SEO tools and techniques
    Thanks, for this sharing this post Alex!

  20. Stella says

    Hi Alex, I came across many blogs on SEO but this is something which every SEO starter can keep in mind. Thanks for this informative post. Cheers!!

  21. Vijay Bhabhor says

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for sharing valuable information to become SEO expert, This is exactly the same approach that I have applied to learn Search engine optimization.

    @Alex I need your suggestion on learning International SEO regarding creating with ahref language. Please suggest your view long-term vs short-term, Can I use same content in all the version as most of the country are English speaking country.

  22. John Zakaria says

    Hi Alex, Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome Guide! In my opinion SEO Is and will still be the number #1 Most effective strategy for delivering highly engaged traffic and that makes it deserve the efforts we make to become Experts in this field 🙂 SEO Needs one to pay to get the needed results, but If he has the knowledgeable you have mentioned then, it can save us a lot of money. Thanks again for mentioning how we can get the needed SEO experience.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi John

      I agree with you 100%. SEO is the best way to get targeted traffic to a website and this trend is not expecting to change anytime soon.

      All the best

  23. dennis hahn says

    Hello Alex, Your article is very much helpful and convenient for a new SEO learner. All the points you mentioned are much helpful and interesting to know. I agree with you that following the SEO leaders could be much help to achieve knowledge. Thanks for sharing. Keep Sharing more with us..:)

  24. Neeraj Sharma says

    I love to read SEO blog to learn more about digital marketing. I never joined any SEO training class or nor paid to someone. I have only reading blog and doing practice to get command over the website optimization techniques. Practice is the best way to increase understanding about SEO.

  25. Pradeep Sonii says

    Hi Alex
    I love your article. It’s very informative and well structred. But I wanted to know that the course you are providing is only for beginners or people looking for advance strategies can also refer this book or you are planning to release book which will cover advance strategy and techniques i n coming future.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Pradeep

      Our SEO courses are both for beginners and advanced users. They cover both basic and advanced SEO concepts.


  26. Amit D says

    Such a great article this is. All the tips provided are quite helpful. Great for SEO enthusiasts Thanks! 🙂

  27. Kartik Singh says

    Search Engine Optimization- one of the most important thing that help to make your website rank higher in all the search engine platforms. To become an SEO expert everyone needs to take care of these things-

    1- Content
    2- Keep updated yourself about current SEO scenarios
    3- Link Building
    4- Should have Analytical Skills

  28. Phill Volkert says

    Thanks a lot for writing such a wonderful article. Well written and the guideline is awesome and essential to follow. I’m looking forward to more informative posts further and I like to wish you all the best.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Phill

      Thanks a lot for your comment. All the best with your SEO efforts!


  29. Mahmudul hasan says

    Hi Alex
    Your Content is easy to read and step by step. SEO can be overwhelming. Anyone can easily loss track with many SEO terms. That’s why I always recommend to those who want learn SEO to start with an SEO course.

    A Step by step beginner friendly SEO course give anyone clear basic knowledge.


  30. AstroTalk says

    Wow! Finally came across a wonderful blog post which provide detailed insights about becoming an SEO expert which is thereby an essential thing for a business to sustain their website’s presence online.

    • Alex Chris says


      Thanks a lot, glad I could help you understand what it takes to become an SEO expert.


  31. Gautam Sharma says

    I just liked the 5th point. In the world of SEO, we have to just remain informed otherwise our rankings can go down. When there is Google Algorithm Change or something, we have to be just aware of that.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Gautam

      Google is making hundreds of changes to their ranking algorithms per year and to stay current, you need to follow their changes and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.


  32. David Jeson says

    Great post. Thanks for describing the difference between an SEO expert and an SEO professional. All content on your blog is very helpful to me. I appreciate your work.

    • shankar says

      Goodness! At last, went over a great blog entry which gives point by point experiences about turning into an SEO master which is in this way a fundamental thing for a business to support their site’s quality on the web.

  33. Agbosua Esther says

    I found this article so helpful and informative.This would be useful for those who are beginners in digital marketing
    Thanks Alex.

  34. Prempal Singh says

    Hello Admin,

    Thanks for sharing this post, It will help to understand my roles & responsiblities as an SEO Expert.

    Thanks & Regards

    Prempal Singh

  35. Md Faruk Khan says

    Hi Alex, it’s really a very effective guideline to become an SEO expert. I’m an SEO trainer from Bangladesh. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Gopal Roy says

    that is an awesome post. i have recently started a blog of mine and many of the topics mentioned here helped me

  37. Jen Ruhman says

    Hi Alex,
    I’m encouraging and hoping to see more women SEO experts like myself in these articles. 😉

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Jen

      I’m sure that there are a lot of women SEO experts out there. I will definitely update the list to include them.

      Thanks for pointing this out

  38. Abhishek Kumar says

    I’ve been an avid visitor of this website and reading the different blogs has always been a learning experience. After reading this particular one on SEO Expert, I can say for sure that these are the ‘must-know’ for any SEO Expert.

  39. Sharad Gupta says

    Your blog is very good. I agree with your words that semrush is the best SEO tool and it is a good investment for your SEO.

  40. Ravindra says

    that is an awesome post. i have recently started a blog of mine and many of the topics mentioned here helped me

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ravindra

      Thanks for your comment and good luck with your blog. Follow the steps above and you’ll become an SEO expert in no time!

      All the best,

  41. Stephen Howard says

    A debt of gratitude is in order for the astounding article. This is Excellent data for the accomplished SEO and learner/business owner who might be attempting to save a couple of bucks and gain proficiency with search engine optimization all alone…

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Stephen

      Yes, taking the time and effort to learn SEO will definitely help you save money and become more efficient.

      All the best

  42. Prashant Naik says

    Hi Alex
    Really helpful guide. I learnt lot of things from this course.
    The way the topics have been arranged in steps is really informative.

  43. Kenneth Walley says

    This is really helpful. Great Overview on”How to Become an SEO Expert”, I just bookmarked this post for future reference. Really love your work have learned so much & I will definitely be implementing these tips:)

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Kenneth
      Thanks, glad I could help. Becoming a SEO specialist is not hard, it just takes times and effort.

      All the best

  44. Demola says

    Hello Alex,
    I am a huge fan of your newsletter, I have a lot of contents that have rich snippets, but it’s not driving traffic to my website. Could you please give me a lead on what could be done?


  45. Marjorie Medina says

    HI! I am a start-up in the SEO industry and I find this topic really helpful.

    Thanks for providing such insightful information regarding seo techniques.

    Have a great day and keep sharing!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Marjorie

      Thanks for your comment. Start-ups have a lot to gain from SEO. A good SEO expert can help a start-up business grow faster by following good SEO practices and techniques.
      All the best

  46. Alva Chew says

    Excellent article, Alex!
    Detailed, solid information that is also a good refresher for an SEO practitioner like myself.

  47. Mark Baker says

    Great article. I’ve shared it with my colleagues of the Worldwide Cleaning Association (ISSA) as well as a link to your training academy Keep up the great work.

  48. Priya Sharma says

    I have used google keyword planner. Its really very helpful which is free to use. I am surely going to try the other tools as well. thanks for sharing this valuable article with us. I’m pinning this article to share!

  49. Lucy says

    I really liked your article, answer me please, is there any free tool that you recommend to do the SEO analysis of a website?

  50. Raphael says

    Thanks for sharing this great information. I really love to come here and read updates always.
    am saving to buy your SEO bundle.

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