How to Rank Higher on Google (in 10 Proven Steps)

A step-by-step guide on how to rank high on Google Search. Improve your SEO with proven and tested strategies.

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  1. HSP says

    Hi Alex,

    I love your article however i am following each step mentioned in your article. The problem i am experiencing is that when an article has been published it can take up to a week before Google crawl it.

    This is about a Forum based site.

    I am very curious what you have to say, because i am struggling for 4 months now. I checked and double checked everything.

    Waiting for your responds!


    • Alex says


      You may want to check your Google webmaster tools and especially the ‘Crawl Rate’ option under ‘Site Settings’. Also some hosting providers add restrictions in the robots.txt so that search engine crawlers don’t crawl websites every day, so it’s a good idea to check those settings as well.

      Hope this helps

  2. Ethel says

    As domain age is a important factor to rank higher, it will be very hard for a new company or business which is just forming and wants to establish themselves as a brand. They have to get a new domain name with their brand name in it. Don’t you think it is unjust? I am just curious. 🙂

    • Alex says

      Hi Ethel

      Fair or not, this is the way it works 🙂 A new company can easily gain good rankings for their brand name but to get good google rankings for competitive terms they have to do a lot of work since they will have to compete with thousands of other websites that are doing the same thing.

      Thanks for commenting


  3. Jaz says

    Hi Alex,

    I’m just not understanding how Google checks the Domain age? I saw a video of Matt from Google regarding the Old domain with High Ranking and Matt said that this is not true.
    Please suggest, does it really works and how?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Jaz

      I don’t know exactly the mechanism they use to calculate the domain age but it is a fact that newly registered domains needs more time to rank than old and ‘clean’ domains. I have tested this a number of times in the past and always the old domains gained better results faster.

      Hope this helps

  4. Sarah says

    I think its better to use SSL for website, as it shows website is secure for user levels. You have described all its advantages perfectly. Thanks.

  5. sandeep kumar says

    I love your article however i am following each step mentioned in your article. The problem i am experiencing is that when an article has been published it can take up to a week before Google crawl it.

    • Parker chuks says

      Hi Alex
      I just read your ranking tips and I must tell u it’s comprehensive enough. The only issue I m have is speed.

      Pls, what WordPress plugin will you recommend that can handle the speed issues very well without any issue or error on Google webmaster dashboard.

      • Alex Chris says

        Hi Parker

        I use wp-rocket. You can find the details on my SEO tools page. It can help you a lot with page speed with minimum configuration.


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