Small Business SEO: 16 Tips For Better Rankings

Learn how to do SEO for your small business to increase your traffic and get more customers from Google.

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  1. stablx says

    Alex, A very detailed article. Thank you very much for writing in depth with links. Semrush and google search console has been something we really want to invest our time in. The new version is completely confusing for us, what’s your thought on it Alex!

    • Alex Chris says


      That’s true. A lot of webmasters complain that the new version of Google search console is more confusing than the old one but once you get used to it, it’s better. The reports have more helpful and accurate data. We plan to publish new tutorials on how to take advantage of the new reports and tools soon, so stay tuned.


  2. Jason T. Stephens says

    This is a reliable source of information for small business owners. Thank you for posting.

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