How to Make Your WordPress Website AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Friendly & Boost Your SEO

Learn what are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), how to make your WordPress Website AMP friendly and how adopting AMP can help you increase your organic traffic.

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  1. Richard Docc says

    Great Information, Thanks for these tips and your thoughts about mobile friendly SEO tricks. I like your blogs, they are really useful in our work and appreciate your work and always waiting for your upcoming informative blogs. Thanks for Sharing 🙂

  2. Sadhan Pal says

    If a site is mobile friendly, it’ll be able to get more traffic and becomes user-friendly. WordPress has some plugins to make a blog mobile friendly. Your method is also awesome. Thank you so much for writing this. It’ll help me to make my blog mobile friendly.

    Sadhan Pal

  3. Sanjeet Veen says

    I am searching for this and get here to know how to make my WordPress website suitable for AMP, great information, love this as I know and make my website fully functional through the use of AMP.

  4. Julian says

    Great article! AMP is increasingly critical.

    I didn’t realize AMP for eCommerce required a lot of custom programming to make it work, though. I could see it being very powerful for giants like Amazon and eBay that can put in the dev resources.

    For a mom and pop eCommerce site, do you think it’s worth it?

    • Alex says

      Hi Julian

      My suggestion is to start with your blog first. Add AMP support to your blog and measure the effect on your traffic.

      Going AMP for ecommerce will require a lot of work and unless you have the technical skills to do it, this means high cost. Maybe instead of adding AMP support to your shop, try to improve your mobile website and make it faster. If you can manage to have a smooth and faster experience on mobile, then maybe you don’t have to adopt AMP (at least for now).

      Hope this helps

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