How Long Should a Blog Post Be For SEO?

Learn the optimum word length a blog post should be to have more chances of ranking higher in the search results.

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  1. sangeetha menon says

    Chris great pointers and amazing info!

    I will from now try to write posts of length more than 1500 words . In that way pillar articles will give me good organic search ranking and reader’s faith too to bookmark my page.

  2. harsha says

    Hi Alex,

    Just FANTASTIC info this information will really help most of the bloggers who want to grow. Ranking on Google really matters so thanks for this article.

  3. zeshi says

    Hi Alex,

    Great Article , I made new blog and i hope it will help me a lot.

    Thanks you so much for nice sharing .

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Zeshi

      Good luck with your new blog. Be patient follow the rules and SEO will work even if it takes some time.

      All the best

  4. Nam says

    Wow, fantastic weblog structure! How long have you ever been blogging for?
    you make running a blog look easy. The total glance of your site is
    magnificent, as well as the content material!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Nam

      Thanks for your nice comment. I have been blogging for 13 years now but this blog is new so stay tuned for more SEO content!


  5. Christopher Connors says


    Awesome read. It always helps to self-analyze in blogging in an effort to always get better. This is a topic I’ve talked about at length with a lot of friends and it seems everyone has a different opinion. You really laid out the facts clearly here and your points are well taken. Thank you!


  6. Nikos says

    Hello Alex,
    That’s a very nice post. I really liked the idea about deciding your blog posts titles in advance. That will save me a lot of time and help me focus on my writing more. I wanted to ask you something though. Some people these days seem to believe that long posts are not that good because a lot of people use their mobiles phones to surf the Internet.
    They claim mobile users prefer shorter posts that are easy to read and since more & more people use their phones to access the Internet that’s where every blogger should aim. You are blogging for 15 years now so what are your thoughts?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Nikos

      Statistics show that longer posts perform better in Search and receive more attention from social media. What you are saying about mobile users and shorter content may be correct but since currently Google takes into account the desktop version for ranking websites on mobile then you have more gains publishing longer articles. In addition, longer articles (that are interesting to read), keep the user more time on a website and also reduce pogo sticking (which is not good for SEO). Finally, Google is getting ready to release the “mobile first index” so we can wait and see how this can affect the way they rank web pages on mobile and whether adopting a strategy of more portable content for mobile, will be better for SEO.


  7. Chris Slinger says

    Just use the Yoast plugin if your on wordpress and it tells you how well you are doing SEO wise

  8. Veethee Dixit says

    This sure sounds like a game changer. Mine is a lifestyle blog and most of the posts have a word count around 800. Now I am gonna modify the existing ones along with following your guidelines for my upcoming posts. Thanks a lot, Alex!

  9. steve advent says

    Thank you very much for the information I will be putting more though into the way I write my titles. Thanks

  10. Kapil Heera says

    Hello Alex,

    Such a informative article…

    This article helps me to rank my website and also helps other newbies who want to grow their website visitors via google

    Thanks again for this article..

    Kapil Heera

  11. ruchi says

    I just love the way you explained the points . Even a complete newbie shouldn’t find it difficult implementing these SEO strategies. I am glad I stumbled on this. Thanks for sharing

  12. Cathy Mayhue says

    Excellent post! I agree the stress must be on the quality and value rather than length, a quality 500 words article is much better than good for nothing `1000+ words blog.

  13. liam jason says

    Great post on how long your SEO blog should be and how effective it is when its a limited keywords placement. You have indeed covered up more of the SEO understanding in this blog. Indeed SEO plays an important role in the Google building your website from scratch and how to make it qualitative website.

  14. Bishnu says

    Awesome post you solve my biggest query,that I always asking in some forum but after reading your article I am sure SEO needs some certain time to give results..and for getting good results from SEO we have to write a more compelling article and also we have to create some quality backlinks that help us in Ranking on first position…
    Thanks again for your problem solving article.

  15. Montana says

    Can a 200-word blog that has exactly written what the user was searching for beneficial than a 1000 word article that is beating around the bush to get to the point?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Montana

      It depends on the topic and what the user is looking for but it seems very difficult to do it with a 200 word blog post. Read the Google Guidelines (link above) to get a better understanding on what Google wants in terms of content length. In some cases they do accept the fact that users want short form content but in the majority of cases, you will need more than that.

      Hope this helps

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